Rental Agreements with a Landlord or Broker
Negotiate your rental agreement with your landlord, or their property manager broker, rather than simply signing the agreement they present to you and you may save money and gain some advantages. Technically speaking, a rental agreement is commonly considered a contract for a short-term rental, whereas a lease involves a commitment from the renter for six months or longer. It is up to you as to which is the better contract for your situation, but the landlord or their broker might not see it your way.
Your Rental Record
Rental markets, just like home sales markets, ebb and flow, sometimes in favor of the renter and other times to the landlord's advantage. The basic law of supply and demand in the market governs such things as the going rate and terms, but landlords cherish good reliable tenants. If you are seeking a short-term rental agreement, a proven rental track record will help. If you are negotiating with your current landlord, use your good history with him to your advantage. If you are moving, get a letter of referral from your current landlord. This can be especially valuable if your credit score is weak.
Give Yourself Time
Time is in your favor when negotiating a lease. If you are renegotiating a lease, start talking with your landlord about 60 days before your lease is due, but check out the market beforehand to know what options you have. If you start negotiations too soon, the landlord may not feel the need to make any concessions. With only 60 days to find a new tenant, they may be ready to listen to you. A new landlord may be willing to make concessions if you approach them with less than 30 days until the end of the month.
Negotiate from a Position of Strength
To gain something, be willing to give up a little or offer something in exchange. Try not to focus on money initially. Even so, asking for a reduced security deposit, paid utilities, snow removal, yard care, or access to the local recreation center can offset other expenses for you. To negotiate for a month-to-month rental agreement, for example, promise a higher security deposit, offer to paint, steam the carpets or fix something. Negotiating for a short-term rental agreement is not the best place to start when asking for a reduction in rent, unless the market is flooded with rental properties. Plead your case with solid data on the current market, but be willing to compromise.
Set the Stage for a Longer Commitment
Regardless of the reason for signing a short-term rental agreement, whether you are moving closer to a new job, a change in your personal relationship or you are moving to a new city, create a clause in your agreement for a longer lease with better terms if you decide to stay. It can be too convenient for the landlord to simply extend your short-term agreement without a clause granting you better terms.
Landlord Lease Agreement
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