Guidelines on Returned Apartment Deposits
Most apartments require that any new tenant put down a security deposit before he moves into the rental. The landlord holds the security deposit while the tenant lives at the property. When the tenant moves out, the landlord must inspect the apartment, make any necessary deductions and return the security deposit to the tenant. Each state has a set of laws governing the deductions and amount of time a landlord has for handling the security deposit after the tenant vacates.
Time Frame
The landlord must return the security deposit, less any deductions taken, to the tenant within a specific amount of time after the tenant vacates the apartment. The amount of time a landlord has to inspect the property and return the deposit varies by state. For example, the Alabama Law Institute reports that the landlord has 21 days to return the security deposit in Alabama. In Louisiana, the landlord has 30 days to return the deposit, according to the Louisiana Attorney General.
The landlord can take deductions from the security deposit. For example, if the tenant leaves without paying the last month's rent, the landlord can deduct the past-due balance from the security deposit. If the tenant causes any damages to the apartment or the apartment building, the landlord can deduct the cost of repairs. The landlord can also deduct a reasonable cleaning fee if the tenant leaves the apartment in an unclean condition. The landlord must itemize any deduction taken and provide the tenant with a complete list.
The landlord can return the security deposit to the tenant by issuing a check and mailing it to the tenant's new address. For the tenant to receive her security deposit, she must notify the landlord of her new forwarding address upon moving out of the apartment. If the landlord cannot locate the tenant, he may have the right to hold the security deposit.
If a landlord fails to return the security deposit or provide a list of deductions taken from the deposit within the required time frame, the tenant has the right to sue the landlord. The tenant must file a claim in a local small claims court against the landlord. Both the landlord and the tenant will need to appear at the court date and plead their case. A judge will make the final decision.
NYC Rent Guidelines Board's Guide to your Rights as a Tenant . The NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) also offers a guide to Useful Information about Housing Rules and ...
How To: Get Back Your Security Deposit Apartment Therapy's almost an inevitability that, at some point in people's renting history, the landlord will keep some or all of the security deposit. In my own history, it hasn't ...
How do you write a 30 day notice to vacate and get your deposit ... updated: Feb 26, 2009 6 posts First post: Feb 26, 2009Feb 26, 2009 Best Answer: Here is what mine looked liked.... August 14, 2008 Homepointe Property Management Attn: James S_____ 1220 Melody Lane, Suite 110
Leaving notice - What to write? (apartment, lease, security ... General Forums Real Estate RentingJun 10, 2009 Just letting the management company know that you will not be renewing your lease on said premises, your name, apartment address, and date you will be ...
Recover Your Security Deposit: How to break your lease and get ... Your Security Deposit. Defeat your landlord in small claims courtjust like we did. Learn how to win against your corrupt landlord in small claims court by ...
Chicago Security Deposit Law & Breaking a Lease
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What is the purpose for a security deposit for an apartment ... updated: Nov 07, 2007 7 posts First post: Nov 07, 2007Nov 07, 2007 You put down a security deposit for an apartment and when you lease is up, the apartment decides whether or not to give to you based on the condition of ...
MOVE-OUT GUIDELINES - Peters Rentals PDF fileTenant(s): Unit: MOVE-OUT GUIDELINES We work hard to keep our rental properties in good condition and appreciate your help.
Guidelines -- Old Farm Single Student Housing (435) 752-7501 Email: Address: 777 E. 1000 N. Logan, Utah 84321
Apartment Living 101 - Your Security Deposit Real Estate Leasing RentingNov 26, 2007 When you rent an apartment, you will most likely be asked to pay a security deposit. In many cases, the security deposit is equivalent to one month's
NYC Rent Guidelines Board Definitions Of Rent Regulation Terms (back to list of terms) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T ...
RENTAL APPLICATION I/We hereby offer to lease an apartment. PDF file2011 Miller-Valentine Group, Inc. Form 13/TC04/Rev.04.11/Page 1 of 3
Apartment Rental Contract - Docstoc We Make Every Small ... Legal ContractsOct 02, 2008 This is an example of apartment rental contract. This document is useful for creating apartment rental contract.
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Renter's Guide - Deposits - 5. DEPOSITS. Deposits are a very important part of every rental agreement. The landlord can ask for the first month's rent, the last month's rent, and a ...
Security Deposits- Protecting Your Rights as a Renter - Yahoo ... 28, 2005 Security deposit refund: Renting a house or apartment is the way to go if you don't plan to be in an area long, or just don't think it's the right time to buy.
California Landlord Tenant Law Security Deposit Evictions Deposits: Basic Rules on California Security Deposits Note: Some cities may have more laws. The landlord can use the security deposit to ...
Recover Your Security Deposit: How to get your security deposit ... How to get your deposit back. Of course, Im assuming that you havent trashed the apartment, but rather, you discovered that your landlord is unscrupulous and ...
Policies and Guidelines - Tennessee Board of Regents B-060 Subject: Fees, Charges, Refunds and Fee Adjustments The purpose of the following guideline is to outline significant provisions for consistent ...
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Consumers: Protecting Consumers - Pennsylvania Office of a Home or Apartment: Leases and Security Deposits. Your choice of housing plays a significant role in your life and represents a major financial commitment.
Apartment Living - Superpages SuperTipsApartment Living. If you live in an apartment or you're thinking of moving to an apartment lifestyle, you'll find that it differs from owning a home in a number of ...
DOB: Rental Security Deposits - Information for Tenants and, once you give the key to your rental apartment or home to a tenant, you must follow basic rules for security deposits. Tenants, once you accept the key to ... - Landlord Tenant Law Rights Security Deposits ...
www.rentlaw.comSECURITY DEPOSITS: EVICTION: Security Deposits The landlord has not returned my security deposit. Do a walk ...
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